2022 Winter Musical Auditions

VPA is excited to announce auditions for Disney Frozen Jr for 4th-12th grade.


  1. Complete this online audition form by Monday, November 29.

  2. Send a recorded performance of a memorized one minute Broadway song to theatre@vpafoundation.org with the subject line First Name Last Name Frozen Audition no later than 11:59pm Monday, November 29.

  3. Space is limited.


Monday, 12/6/2021 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Students will be notified if they need to attend the callbacks. In order to ensure a smooth and timely callback session, we will use the recorded videos to determine which parts each student will read for at callbacks.

At callbacks students will be given small sections of the script to read together, learn small sections of songs to sing, and possibly learn a short dance so the directors can decide who is going to be each character.

Rehearsals and Production Week

Monday-Thursday from 3:30-5:30 PM beginning in January. All rehearsals will be at Sherwood Center for the Arts.

Tech Week will be every day the February 7-12, times TBD.

Performances will be February 10-12, 2022.

Tuition & Volunteer Requirements

Tuition for the production will be $150. This helps us cover costumes, make-up, scripts, production rights, and more. We do believe that theatre is for everyone! So if this will be a hardship for you, scholarships are available. Please email and ask.

All families are also required to volunteer eight hours. If you are unable to help with volunteer time, there is an opt-out fee.

Health & Safety Protocols

At VPA we take the health and safety of our families very seriously. We will be following all current and updated safety measures as outlined by OHA, ODE, and Sherwood School District, including but not limited to:

  • Mandatory face coverings for all participants, adult and youth, regardless of vaccination status

  • Distancing of at least 3-6 feet on and off stage

  • Frequent use of hand washing and sanitizing of surfaces

  • Contact tracing

  • Reporting of exposures and quarantining of positive cases and confirmed close contacts

  • Please self-screen each day and stay home if you are sick. We will send you home if you have any symptoms.

Additionally, we will do the following:

  • All production team members are fully vaccinated.

  • If you have been identified as a close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid 19, please notify us and do not come to rehearsal. If you can't go to school, you can't come to rehearsal.

**Please note that if any protocols are downgraded by any organization, we will communicate clearly with cast members before making any changes.**


We understand that students will occasionally have conflicts--a sporting event, orthodontist appointment, etc. But we have a limited amount of time to rehearse, and we need every minute. So we ask that you have no more than two conflicts during the rehearsal window and no conflicts during Tech Week.

If you are quarantined due to a positive covid test or a confirmed exposure during the regular rehearsal weeks, you will not be cut from the cast. You will need to work hard when you return to catch up, and we encourage you to check in (virtually) with whoever is filling in for you and work on what you're missing on your own if possible. If you are quarantined due to a positive covid test or a confirmed exposure during tech week, your role will be filled by your counterpart.

At any point, if you need to miss a rehearsal for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible.


Disney’s Frozen Jr 2022 Playbill


2021 Fall Youth Choir